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Cronología de la historia de Cuba (en inglés)

Enviado el 3 agosto, 2009 en Cuba por cogito

He encontrado una interesante cronología de la historia cubana en la página http://www.historyofcuba.com/

Aunque algo incompleta considero que es, sin embargo, una útil referencia para los interesados en el tema. Cubre hechos hasta 1999.


Early History

3500 BC
The first humans arrive in Cuba.

1250 AD
Taino Indians arrive from the east.

August 3. With three ships, Cristóbal Colón (aka Christopher Columbus) sails into the unknown.
October 12. The expedition lands in what Colón calls "San Salvador," and the natives call "Guanahani" (and may possibly be the Watling Island).
October 14. Colón continues his expedition, soon along the shores of Cuba, which he calls "Juana," thinking that he's found Asia's mainland.
October 29. Cristóbal Colón lands in Cuba, claims island for Spain.